Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 10 Last day of work

I'm so thankful that I've been able to return to work these past few weeks. Although my heart has been heavy at least work kept my mind occupied. Today was my last day. I knew it was going to be hard to tell my students goodbye but I hadn't expected to cry the entire day! Former students came to see me as well. So heartwarming. My dear friend, Anne, made everyone yellow ribbons in honor of Spina Bifida Awareness Month. The entire staff wore them in our honor. At the end of the day my coworkers planned a devotional time. They gathered around me and read two scriptures and three people prayed while hands were held or on me. Yes, I said prayed in school! (Although it was really AFTER school) Ms. Howard, our principal, presented me with a love offering they had been taking up these past few weeks. I didn't look down to see that she had written an amount on the outside of the envelope. I was too busy hugging everyone and thanking them for their prayers. As I gathered my things to leave I placed the envelope in my bag. I noticed the amount on the outside. WOW! I just cried again. The staff at CES are truly the best!! They have been donating leave days to me so that I could continue to get paid. I thought that was more than generous, but to see the amount on the outside of that envelope... I can't begin to say how blessed and loved I feel. I thank God for each and every one of them and for placing me at a school of believers.

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