Today we had our first post-op ultrasound. We were so looking forward to seeing little Rayden. Although it was tough to walk to the office I did enjoy the sunshine. The ultrasound technician, Stephen, took us back and allowed me to walk real slow. He was very nice. He tried everything he could to see the baby's face and measure his length, but Rayden was not cooperating. He had his feet above his head! No lie, I thought, "He's going to be a Yoga expert!" His knees were squished into his little nose. The technician kept poking and shaking and finally asked me to roll over to my side. Rayden pushed his knee over with his hand and smiled. It melted our hearts! Then he pulled that knee back and snuggled up to it like a pillow. The technician said he had plenty of fluid and room in there. Some babies just like to be cuddled up. The technician continued on and looked for the other things he needed. He said Rayden met 6 out of 8 possible markers. He received all points except the 2 points for breathing, but he's really too young for that anyway. So I thought that was great. He couldn't see his lesion due to the way he was positioned and he had a hard time measuring the ventricles in his brain for fluid. He finally did tell us that they have grown. Before the surgery they were 16mm. Now one side is 18mm. and the other side is 28mm!! Almost doubled!! We were very upset. Dr. Goodnight said he didn't really know what to think of that. He said the surgery normally reduces the size of the ventricles. He thought it would have at least stabilized by now. If HE doesn't know what to think of it, what should WE think? They said Rayden was eating. He even got the hiccups during the ultrasound! So cute.
I know it's a little blurry but you can see Rayden's little face. That cute little pug nose and those chubby cheeks! Use your imagination and you can see his foot beside his face.
Dr. Goodnight said I was doing great. He liked the looks of my incision and the chart I made to record all my medication. He told me to continue to do absolutely nothing!! He said he wanted me so bored that I was doing next year's lesson plans! Now, all my teacher friends know how bored I must become, haha! Today I've kept busy by writing Thank You cards and updating my blog.
Instead of going back to Rex next week, he wants me to travel to UNC Chapel Hill. So, Tuesday, Nov. 4, is my next appointment. I pray that Rayden has stretched back out. I hate seeing him like that. I pray even harder that his ventricles have reduced in size tremendously.
On a lighter note, I finally got my body pillow. This thing is amazing. It replaced all 6 pillows I had on my bed. The support it give my stomach, back, and legs is awesome. I love it!