Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 6, 2015 "Two Weeks Old"

Rayden is continuing to gain weight. He is now 5 lbs. 15 oz. The doctor said when he regains his birthweight we may transition somewhere else. Maybe a private room upstairs. His head circumference remains stable at 35.5cm.

I was feeding Rayden his 8pm bottle when my hand started feeling a little wet again. The round doctors were actually in the room when this happened so they came over and checked. Although they didn't see anything, they decided to call neurology anyway. It really made me wonder if I was just overreacting. Neurology came and said he was fine. This is the second time his shunt has leaked in four days. We don't understand what is going on. Maybe my hand was just sweaty. Maybe I WAS overreacting. He seems to be doing so well. He drank his entire bottle.

Rayden is so loved. Justin and Elizabeth brought him Flick from "A Bugs Life". Justin said Flick's arms were so small that maybe Rayden could hold onto them to do his finger therapy. His brother, Alex, held him today for the first time. It just melted my heart. My baby of 18 years was holding my newborn baby. So weird.

Rayden has to do occupational therapy several times a day on his legs/hips. It is so funny to see him stretch his legs all by himself on the boppy pillow but cries when WE stretch them. He really seems to enjoy sitting on it. Thanks Mrs. Robertson for the pillow.

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