Tuesday, December 2, 2014

November 26, 2014 "I saw God today"

"I saw God today."
A comment I've heard spoken from so many people. They say this in reference to a newborn child, the beauty of nature, etc. The fingerprints of God. Well, today I saw it in the face of a 10 year old little girl. Someone I've never met, seen before, or even heard of. She wanted to do something special to commemorate her tenth birthday. Most children have a party, celebration, sleep over, etc. But not Molly Barefoot. She listened to the voice of God speaking to her. She told her parents she wanted to raise money for Rayden's family. Someone she didn't know! She organized a fund raiser at her school, Erwin Elementary. "A Penny War for Rayden." They raised $456 in change!! When she went to the bank to exchange for cash, someone at the change machine asked her why she had so much. She shared Rayden's story and they donated as well, even though they seemed to be in need themselves. She had two friends spend the night with her. They went to You Define Art in Smithfield to paint a cross to present to us as well. When she shared Rayden's story with them they donated the cross. It's just so amazing when I sit and think of how many lives this story has touched through the obedience of one 10 year old little girl. All the children at her school, the person at the bank, the owners of the paint shop, and I'm sure these people told their families, etc. When it was all said and done, Molly had raised $500 for Rayden.

Molly's family came over to present us with the donation and the cross. I just couldn't believe it! I am so proud of her willingness to be obedient to God and in awe at the selfLESSness of a 10 year old little girl!! God is still working in our lives and I, like so many now, can't wait to see Rayden's reason for being here. What is his purpose? I can already see that God is using him and he's not even born yet! I hope this story will inspire others to turn to Him, and be obedient to His call.

The scripture reference at the bottom of the cross is Jeremiah 1:5. Although I have heard this scripture, and read this story numerous times in my life, it has new meaning today. Reading even further in the scripture God is telling Jeremiah, even though he is a child, to do as He commands. This seems to speak reference to Molly being obedient to God's call. (At least it does for me anyway.)


Anonymous said...

What an amazing young lady! She is an inspiration~ I will probably read this story over and over again . . . Her obedience touched my heart!

Anonymous said...

What an incredible thing for such a young person to do! Praise God! God works his way! Such a heartfelt joy for you, your family, and baby Rayden! <3

Unknown said...

Wow! What an incredible act of kindness and compassion! Thank you for sharing this inspirational story! I know your hearts are overjoyed!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing story Teresa! What an awesome little girl!!!! GOD IS GREAT!!and GREATLY TO BE PRAISED!!

Unknown said...

This story is amazing! Little Rayden is touching so many lives already and I feel strongly that many more lives will be touched by him! Take care of yourself! Praying for Rayden, you, and your family!

Drew Watts said...

Incredible!! It is such a great thing that she did for Rayden’s family. Hat’s off to this little princess. I always celebrate my birthday at the best event space San Francisco but this year I would like to do something like this for needy people. Thanks for the inspiration dear!