Tuesday, June 2, 2015

May 28, 2015 "Clinic Day"

What a day!

Today Rayden had numerous appointments. We started our day at 9:00 and didn't return home until 7:00!!

Rayden weighs 14 lbs. 6 oz. and is 25 1/2 inches long!

Gastroenterologist- Spina Bifida children often have bladder and bowel issues. Kathryn Bauk stated that when we introduce solids to Rayden he will more than likely become constipated very easily. Her recommendation is to start him on oatmeal or mixed grains, rather than rice cereal. She also said to give him the 'P' fruits, peaches, plums, prunes, pears, etc. If we can not control his bowels through his diet we will have to go to a Miralax or Milk of Magnesia regimen. Beyond that, we are looking at enemas! I pray for diet control! She also increased Rayden's reflux medicine only because he is bigger now.

Renal Ultrasound- Rayden had another ultrasound today. He will continue to have these from time to time. A renal ultrasound makes images of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. It is ordered when there are concerns about certain types of kidney or bladder problems. If the kidneys are dilated (hydronephrotic) then other tests would be performed. Thank God, Rayden's exam showed wonderful looking kidneys and bladder!

Urology- Although Rayden has beautiful kidneys and bladder, he still has Cryptorchidism. His left testicle remains undescended. Dr. Ross says if it hasn't descended by now then it probably won't, meaning he will need surgery to correct it. She is going to wait another three months and then schedule the surgery.

Dr. Joshua Alexander, Director of the Spina Bifida Clinic, seemed pleased with Rayden's progress. He noticed that he was tracking with his eyes better, rolling over from belly to back, and holding his head up fairly well. He was bothered by Rayden not wanting to turn his head to the right and seems to feel like Rayden has a mild torticollis. (NOT the first time I've heard that!) He asked the physical therapist to come show me some stretches.

Physical Therapy-
 After showing me the stretches (that I've been doing on him for months, haha), she noticed his thumbs. Rayden tucks both thumbs inside his fists. We discussed how I have been addressing them at home with his 'dumbbell' socks and stretches. She made him some splints to hold his thumbs out. He thinks they are something to suck on.

Neurosurgery- Gretchin was so excited that Rayden has not had any issues since his last shunt revision. His shunt is still adjusted to 1.5, so that's good. We are still watching the fact that the left side of his head is higher than the right. She said no helmet right now, just watching. I was wondering if his Chiari II had decreased. A Chiari II malformation is where the brain stem is descended down the back of the neck. A reduction of Chiari is one of the benefits of having the fetal surgery.  When she looked at his last MRI results she said it was hardly noticeable!! Practically nonexistent!!!!! Praise God for some good news!

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