Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 28, 2015 "Day 4"

Sunday- (Day 5)-So far the CSF cultures are still negative. They took another culture today. We are praying they all remain negative. Although he still has an IV so they can administer the antibiotics, they discontinued the IV fluids because he is eating so well. The blood work showed that his Vanc levels are good but they still have to get blood every day. They are going to ask Infectious Disease the length of antibiotic therapy needed. They are thinking he will need the Vanc for seven days. So they are going to try the PICC line again tomorrow. He will need to be sedated so they are not allowing him to eat (NPO) past 4 am.

Michael has to leave tonight to work tomorrow so he is spending as much time with Rayden as possible. He fed him twice today. Rayden actually fell asleep sitting with his Daddy. He never does that. I suppose he knew Daddy had to leave. Linda will be staying with me to help with Rayden.

Rayden continues to pull on the "ever so valuable" IV so his nurse, Ladona, placed a 'no-no' on his arm. He actually likes it.

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