Saturday, March 13, 2021

March 13-14, 2021 "Making the best of the weekend"

March 13-14, 2021 
(Days 58-59 in the hospital)
Rayden sure has been a happy boy to have his Daddy back. Michael brought all the cards, poster and gifts from Lee's Chapel Church youth and First Presbyterian Church youth. We had a great time reading all the cards and decorating the walls with them. Michael also brought a tub of learning activities from one of Rayden's teachers, Mrs. Raines. He really enjoyed the change of pace to our 'school' for the day. Yes, we even do a little school on the weekends because Rayden has so much catching up to do. We only get a little done each day but that's better than nothing at all. 

We took Rayden to the cafeteria for lunch Saturday. It's like a ghost town on the weekends. He enjoyed some chicken wings (we can't order them on the menu). 

We were also able to take him to the arcade room because his playroom time overlapped with another girl. He's never been able to go in there before because it's designated for teens. He played all the big games for about 15 minutes and then asked if we could go outside on the terrace again. It was a beautiful day so the playroom attendee agreed. He had so much fun pretend playing with Mom AND Dad on the pirate ship. I wish he had a little friend to play with, not only because he tires me out (I'm not as young as I used to be, haha.), but because he misses playing with other kids. He was able to play some this past week with a little boy but he left today. Rayden didn't understand why that little boy got to go home but we can't. 

We enjoyed an outside visit with Nanny and Papa in the Courtyard on Sunday. It was such a beautiful day. Rayden was perfectly content all weekend with his Daddy here, but when he had to leave Sunday afternoon he fell apart right in the hallway. I just hugged him and let him cry it out. I hate to see his little heart broken like that but Daddy had to go back to work! I pray we don't have to stay here much longer. 

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