Thursday, July 2, 2015

July 1, 2015 "Day 7"

Wednesday-5:30am- When I spoke with the nurse to see if Rayden had slept through the night, her response was a little disturbing. She stated that he was "spoiled." She had things to do so she let him cry "bloody murder until he passed out." That was her exact words!! I don't believe Rayden is spoiled. I believe if he woke up during the night and cried it's because he was scared. This is not his normal environment and he has been tortured every day! He wants to make sure he is not alone. How long did she let him scream? How could she do that, and furthermore, how could she tell me that? With this being said, I am not leaving him again!!! I don't care if I have to sleep on the floor.

When we arrived at 6am he still had the snubs from crying. He had toys around him and his lamb on TOP of his head. I was not too pleased!!!

Dr. Elton decided to do the second surgery to internalize the shunt on Tuesday. That's another week away! He said he would use the same incision in his head but would probably have to make a new incision in his abdomen. Scar tissue is prone to mess up the tubing so he says he will have to stay away from that area.

His second IV blew today. I didn't want to tell the nurse his arm was wet because I knew it meant Rayden would be stuck again. His Vanc levels were low so he will be receiving his antibiotic every 6 hours instead of 12. Therefore, he MUST have a new IV. The nurse that inserted the new IV was AWESOME!! She was fast as lightning and got it on the first try. He barely even cried! I was so happy.

Linda (Nanny) has been a life saver through all of this. We are so thankful that she is able to stay with me and help out with Rayden.

Nanny and I tried to keep Rayden up a lot today so he would sleep well tonight. We played with all the toys, sat up in bed, and held him in my lap for extra periods of time.

I stayed the night and Nanny went to the RMH. He slept wonderfully. Only woke up one time (2am) to take a bottle and go right back to sleep, didn't even get out of his crib. Does this sound like a spoiled baby?


Tara Roy said...

There is NO such thing as spoiling a baby! You are an amazing mommy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Tara.