Monday, March 23, 2015

March 18, 2015 "MRI scans"

I have included pictures of a normal brain scan as well as Rayden's scans from Jan. and March. I know these may not be exactly the same level of scans but I thought it would help make my point. 

Rayden's brain scan does not look anything like the textbook pictures I saw as a child. All of that glowing white in the middle of his head is fluid!!! When I saw Rayden's MRI scans I was upset because there is still a huge amount of fluid on his brain. If the shunt has been draining for almost three months now why is there still so much fluid? I thought the shunt was suppose to drain it away from his brain. Dr. Elton stated that our goal was NOT to drain all the fluid out of Rayden's head because his skull would collapse crushing his brain. The goal is to relieve the build up of excess fluid that will put pressure on his brain. 

I am certainly not a neurologist, but when I sit and compare the two MRI scans I
still see so much fluid that it scares me to death. I wonder how he will ever have enough room for his brain to grow if his head is FULL of fluid? Will he be able to function on such a small amount of brain? Will there be a time where he stops learning/maturing because his brain doesn't have any room to grow? I'm just super worried. Dr. Elton stated that he may not need a lot of brain to function normally. That most people don't use 95% of their brain anyway! But I worry... What kind of future will he have? I know he is already a miracle and I should be grateful and just let it go at that. But I worry...

I sit in awe of how wonderfully made he is. His precious little smile just melts my heart. The way he
wraps his tiny little fingers around mine, and looks at us with those gorgeous blue eyes. The adorable way he smacks his lips and sticks out his tongue to tell us he's hungry. How he rocks himself in his bouncy seat by kicking his legs. His sweet little grunts and snores. The most adorable way he folds his little hands in prayer when he sleeps. Yes, I am reminded that he is wonderfully made...

God never ceases to amaze me!! As I was typing this blog post this scripture came across my mind. Then this song just appeared on my computer!!! Please take the time to listen to it.


Kacey said...

This is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing it. I went through the same process with my son and it was a difficult and trying one. I think the thing that made the difference was the community around us. We had a big group of people who just seemed dedicated to making our life easier. I will be praying.

Kacey @ Glendale MRI

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kacey. Now (April 15, 2016) a full year later, Rayden's brain has filled in and looks NORMAL!! His ventricles have decompressed to normal size with hardly any fluid at all. Isn't God amazing? Even Rayden's Neurosurgeon is amazed!!!!!!