Thursday, February 25, 2021

February 25-26, 2021 "Wound Vac change #4"

February 25, 2021
 (Day 42 in the hospital) 
What a gorgeous day for a picnic in the courtyard. Once we got out there Rayden walked to the bench with his walker. He enjoyed listening to the birds sing, watching the crane, feeling the warm sunshine, taking nice fresh breaths, and counting the 8 other people out there. He loves to have a picnic, even in our own backyard, so I knew this would be a great treat for him. We even used his lunchbox the nurses gave him. He walked all the way back to the building UP HILL as well. 

The nurse showed me the pictures of Raydens wound they have been taking at wound vac changes. It really helped me understand what they were talking about. The white part in the center of the opening is the AlloDerm patch. It is held down by tissue glue and permanent stitches inside the opening. Dr. Damitz said the AlloDerm has to be completely covered with tissue growth before we can transfer to wet/dry dressing. Although I can clearly see the wound getting better, I also believe this is going to take longer than one more week to heal over. 

February 26, 2021 (Day 43 in the hospital)-4th vac change
We went for Rayden's 4th wound vac change at 9am. They discussed giving him some Versed or Ativan BEFORE he comes down next time because he is getting more and more nervous with each procedure. They emptied the 50ml of fluid in the canister that looked like apple juice instead of red and bloody like before. The wound really doesn't look any different from Wednesday so we are just staying the course. 

Rayden wasn't able to meet with his hospital teacher or go to the playroom today, but he did some science experiments. He made a volcano and an exploding rocket. I believe we have a scientist on our hands. 

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