Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30, 2014 "Rex"

Our visit to UNC Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Rex for a prenatal genetic counseling and high risk consultation was interesting. We met with Dr. Goodnight for about 45 minutes. He discussed all the different tests they could perform from blood work to amniocentesis. Michael and I decided to do the Harmony blood test because it was less invasive than an amnio. It would even tell us the gender of the baby! In order to do the test Dr. Goodnight said he must first perform an ultrasound to look for abnormalities in the babies neck. Oh boy! Another ultrasound! Michael and I enjoyed seeing the baby flip around and around. He/she was so active. Dr. Goodnight stated that all looked good and they didn't even see any signs of a fibroid cyst. Things were looking up all the time.

Now we just have to wait for the genetic counselor to call us back with the test results. Of course, with two boys we are really hoping for a girl. But we are praying for a healthy baby more than anything else. We came home and I went to tell our church family the news. 

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