Saturday, September 2, 2023

August 28, 2023 "Second Grade"

This year Rayden is in a Self-Contained Class for Exceptional Children. There are only 8 students in the class. His teachers are Mrs. Lea Bennett and Mrs. Ellen Blackmon. I pray Rayden will be able to get the one-on-one attention he needs to grow academically. Of course, he has an IEP with many accommodations in place. He will continue to receive Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Vision Therapy at school as well as private OT, VT, and Karate. I work with him nightly on sight words, basic phonics, handwriting, comprehension, and mathematics. Rayden is super bright. He has more common sense than some adults I know, and a better vocabulary than most kids his age. I just pray he has reached a point where academics start making sense and he is able to retain information. I have no doubt that Rayden will grasp reading. He just needs a little more time. Rayden is fearfully and wonderfully made and God has big plans for him. 

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