Wednesday, January 4, 2023

December 25, 2022 "Half-Kickin' Shot Gun"

All Rayden wanted for Christmas was a long gun that didn't kick like his Daddy's. He called it a "Half-kickin' shot gun".  His favorite color is red so this needed to be in the mix. Every single time he told Santa (or anyone else) what he wanted, we had to explain it. Santa got it just right! A red, bolt action, Rascal 22, with a braided red and black strap. It even had a duck feather on the end. He also got some 22 shot shells. When he came into the living room on Christmas morning he went straight to the gun and was tickled to death! He looked around and asked, "Why did Santa bring me all this other stuff?" Rayden is not one bit selfish or stingy at all! He's so precious.  

Michael and Papa took him outside after brunch to 'hunt' birds. When he killed one, I couldn't tell who was more excited!! Three days later, Michael took Rayden duck hunting with his new gun and duck calls. We had one happy boy!! 🦆🦆

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