Wednesday, June 2, 2021

May 29, 2021 "WalkOn Floor Reaction AFOs"

We have been so excited to receive Rayden's new WalkOn Floor Reaction AFOs made from carbon fiber. They are light weight and super strong. They don't wrap all the way around his legs like his old Cascade AFOs. This should prevent so many pressure sores and the constant rubbing on his tibia bone that sticks out. They are made from strong carbon fiber so he cannot overpower and bend them like his Cascades. There is a strong calf cuff on the front of his leg. This supports his tibia and prevents him from bending his knees to balance, allowing him to stand up so straight and tall. The constant struggle to balance was putting so much pressure on his knees which could cause damage down the road. They will help with his independence because they are so much easier to put on. They fit right into the shoe so all he has to do is put the shoe on and wrap the two straps around his legs. Bob warned us that it would probably take him a while to get used to walking in them, and things may get worse before they get better, but Rayden surprised us all. He was walking in them within 5 minutes! Bob told him these kind of AFOs were only made for BIG BOYS! 

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