Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May 19, 2021 "Post op visit"

Two weeks ago Rayden was put to sleep so Dr. Damitz could remove his stitches. They were in pretty deep so she clipped the edges but didn't dig to remove them all. We have been watching for them to work their way out. Over the past two weeks a few of them came to the surface and came out on their own. Today Dr. Damitz could see one stitch under the skin toward the top, one in the middle that had already busted the skin, and two dissolvable stitches toward the bottom. Rayden's skin is still paper thin down there so she did not want to dig. She believes they will continue to come out on their own. He was disappointed when she said he had to wait longer to get into the pool, but she would allow him to play in his sand box if I covered the wound well. Since there is only one week left of school she said it just wasn't worth the risk to send him back. We just need to focus on an enjoyable summer and start fresh next school year. 

Rayden stated over and over the entire way to the hospital that when Dr. Damitz was finished he was going back upstairs to visit his nurses. So, guess where we went next... Meghan and Monica were at the nurses station already. Gina came running from behind and hugged him so big. He wrapped his little arms around her neck and gave her the sweetest love. Mrs. Patricia even came around the corner to see him. He was thrilled to see them all. Of course, they stated how much they missed him working at the front desk and always making their days bright. We just love the 7th floor staff. 

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