Sunday, August 30, 2020

August 27-28, 2020 "There's no place like home!"


August 27, 2020 Rayden woke up only one time during the night. It sure was good to be back home in our own beds. He was actually pretty strong on his feet today too. He wasn't slurring his words. He only had one ugly mood swing the entire day. He only needed one nap. He began eating like a horse! Michael and I say he is back to about 99% himself now! What a huge improvement.

August 28, 2020 Rayden slept through the entire night! He is playing on the floor with his toys just like normal. He is stable on his feet and can even stand still and balance just like he used to. Every single thing he says now is clear and understandable! He did not have any mood swings all day. Michael and I believe he is back to 100%. He enjoyed playing with Granny today and playing in his pool. Like my dear friend, Anne Turlington, says "It's time to get busy living."

Yes, he is on medication twice a day to hopefully prevent further seizures and will soon have a rescue medicine in hand in case it does happen. It's so crazy to think just a few days ago he couldn't breathe on his own, swallow his own saliva, hold his head up, talk or walk! We honestly thought we were going to lose him or if he did come back to us he wouldn't be the same. If you don't believe in God's miraculous Power just look at Rayden. I know God has big plans for this boy. It's like Satan wants him gone but God keeps saying NO WAY!

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