Thursday, June 4, 2020

May 26, 2020 "Most HELPFUL kid ever!"

Holding flashlight, painting camper, installing water line
and TP holder. 

Rayden is the hardest working kid I've ever seen in my life. No exaggeration!! He literally is obsessed with working. He enjoys helping Daddy more than anything else in this world. He's actually pretty gifted when it comes to tools. He can identify most by their correct names and uses them properly as well. The 'work truck' he got for Christmas has really come in handy. Rayden loves to haul things for us (boxes to the burn pile, groceries, grass clippings, packages, anything!) The first thing out of his mouth every morning is "What are we going to do today?"

Supervising electricians, putting together the fridge,
converting the stove to LP. 
He copies every single thing Michael does. If he turns his hat around Rayden does too.  If he puts on gloves Rayden wants some too, etc. He can hardly wait for Michael to get finished mowing the grass so he can help him blow off the driveway with his leaf blower...just like Daddy! He also pretends to be a gas man and says he has a gas leak in Clinton all the time. I love his imagination but most importantly I love the way he looks up to his Daddy and wants to be just like him. I hope his work ethic continues as he grows older. 

Digging gas line, pulling up stumps, hauling cleaning supplies,
installing dryer. 

Cleaning his shower, putting his bed together,
delivering groceries, installing Daddy's shelves. 
Vacuuming closet out.

Putting the back on mom's cabinet, hauling grass,
cooking, pulling up stumps. 

Blowing off driveway just like Daddy. 

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