-Sensory processing issues as to why he continues to NOT understand portion control, cram his hands in his mouth, pull on his hair, and not like getting his hands dirty. Apparently it is typical of Spina Bifida patients.
-Referral to Neuropsychology for formal testing and evaluation.
-Referral to Urology to get a urodynamics study to evaluate bladder incontinence with possible upcoming surgery.
-Referral to psychologist to help him cope with his OCD and how to cope will all the changes in his life. (new school, new people, brother leaving, our house being remodeled) Also recognized that he is super intelligent and he's starting to notice he is different from others and he needs coping mechanisms to deal with his differences.
-Upcoming brain MRI and x-ray of shunt series.
-Upcoming spine x-ray because ortho noticed curvature. Mentioned spine bracing, but nothing right now. Also mentioned his left foot may need another surgery. His left hip muscles are not strong enough to keep him from rotating inward so we need to focus on his left side.
-Surgery to remove hardware in his hips will be scheduled for January. This will be his 13th surgery.
He makes living with Spina Bifida look easy, but people don't realize it takes a lot to stay on top of his care.
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