Tuesday, November 24, 2015

October 31, 2015 "First Halloween"


Rayden was Superman for Halloween. (Thanks Mrs. Jennifer Williamson for the cape and Mrs. Denise Boggs for the toboggan.) Rayden was able to dress up twice this year. One weekend before Halloween we took him to a trunk or treat. On Halloween night we took him to just a few select houses (family and close friends). He enjoyed seeing everyone. 
Although he doesn't know what candy really is right now, he loved being able to take it out of his bucket all by himself. 

A neighborhood friend has had a puppet stage on her front porch every Halloween for as long as I can remember. Every year when Justin and Alex were growing up we took them to her house. The 
puppet, named Witchy-Poo, would talk with each child and give them a bag full of candy. This became a tradition every Halloween. This year Alex reminded me that Rayden
 HAD to go see Witchy-Poo! He loved her right away!

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