Man what a weekend, my hunter didn't see any deer, but hopefully we can redeem ourselves when we go after a bear next weekend.
Nov. 16
bear hunt
What a morning in Maple Hill NC Angola Bay Busters Brear Club. We had Rayden in the blind at five AM looking for a chance at his first Black Bear. We had a bear on the peanuts when we arrived and stayed the hour and twenty minutes till legal shooting light. Two minutes after he put a shot on him but hit him in the shoulder. The club showed up in force and put the dogs on him. Fifteen minutes the dogs had him bayed right off the road. He rolled the track chair and put a great shot and down he came!!!!! Congratulations Rayden on a 150LB NC Black Bear. Thanks to Brian Marshburn from Gobbles and Grunts Chapter of Guiding Kids in Gods Creation for helping out and providing breakfast for all involved.