Weight--32.3 lbs. (62nd percentile)
Height--3'3" (92nd percentile) Super tall for his age!
Head circumference--51.5 cm (89th percentile)
BMI--14.75 (11th percentile) Yeah! Dr. Alexander finally said he was not overweight for a SB child.
1-Renal Ultrasound-Will he ever get used to this? Rayden has to have an ultrasound of his kidneys and bladder every six months. He gets really scared when we laid him on the examining table. We have to distract him and give him treats while the examiner takes the images. He calms down after a minute or so, but that first minute can be really rough!! Thankfully his kidneys and bladder continue to look great.
2-Urologist-Dr. Ross discussed how Rayden's Peristeen system is working. She is amazed at how well Rayden has adapted to it. She is pleased with his kidneys and bladder function and is ordering some lab work for next time.
3-Dr. Alexander discussed Rayden going to preschool and recommended seeing a dentist now that he is turning 3 years old. He says that Rayden's remarkable vocabulary just proofs his high level of intelligence.
4-Orthopaedic-Dr. Naratam discussed possible upcoming surgery on his feet and hips this summer. They want him to be on his feet (not in a wheelchair) and functional for a long time, therefore he also believes the surgery is necessary. He says that Rayden's spine looks great but the left side of his back is a little higher than the right, something we will watch. He was amazed at how well Rayden can maneuver his walker with his cables and AFO's. He was blown away when Rayden walked with his Henry's (forearm crutches). He said most children don't master all four extremities at the same time until four years old.
5-Physical Therapy-Mrs. Cathy raised Rayden's walker up because he has gotten so tall. She called Rayden a daredevil because he showed them how he can 'sit' on his walker and use it to ride down a hill. She was also shocked that he could climb up and down the stairs holding onto a rail. She could not believe how well he can hold his balance since his hips are coming out of joint making his legs uneven. She said he was awful young to be doing all the things that he can do, he is the complete opposite of what they were expecting him to be.
6-Occupational Therapy-She gave me strategies to help teach Rayden how to take his own shirt off. She gave us some coordination techniques to work on as well.
7-Neurosurgeon-No report because Mrs. Melody was out sick.
Overall Rayden's appointments today were awesome!! This was the first time we actually got good reports from all doctors.